· Robert William · Spanish Verbs · 12 min read
Absorber Conjugation in Spanish
The verb "absorber" in Spanish translates to "to absorb" in English and is a regular verb ending in -ER. Below, we will explore its conjugation through the major indicative tenses, helping you understand its use in different scenarios.

Beginning with the Basics
The verb “absorber” in Spanish translates to “to absorb” in English and is a regular verb ending in -ER. Below, we will explore its conjugation through the major indicative tenses, helping you understand its use in different scenarios.
Item | Spanish | English |
Infinitive | absorber | to absorb |
Past participle | absorbido | absorbed |
Gerund | absorbiendo | absorbing |
Present Tense Examples
In the present tense, “absorber” is used to discuss actions happening right now or facts.
- El papel absorbe el agua rápidamente.
- Nosotros siempre absorbemos la información durante la clase.
- ¿Las plantas absorben suficiente luz solar?
Preterite Tense Examples
The preterite tense indicates completed actions in the past.
- Ayer absorbí demasiadas ideas nuevas.
- Ellos no absorbieron la noticia al principio.
- ¿Absorbiste todo lo que te enseñaron en el taller?
Imperfect Tense Examples
When describing past actions without a specified end point or habitual actions, the imperfect tense is used.
- Durante mi infancia, siempre absorbía los libros de aventura.
- Nosotros absorbíamos la cultura local cuando vivíamos allí.
- Antes, la esponja absorbía más agua.
Future Tense Examples
To talk about what will happen regarding “absorber,” use the future tense.
- Mañana, el suelo absorberá toda la lluvia.
- Pronto absorberemos toda la información necesaria.
- Si continúan así, los estudiantes absorberán todo el conocimiento del curso.
Present Tense Conjugation of “Absorber”
The present tense in Spanish is used to describe current actions or events that are happening in the present moment. It is also used to express general truths or habitual actions. Here’s how “absorber,” which means “to absorb,” is conjugated in the simple present tense.
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | absorbo | I absorb |
Tú | absorbes | you absorb |
Ella / Él / Usted | absorbe | s/he absorbs, you (formal) absorb |
Nosotras / Nosotros | absorbemos | we absorb |
Vosotras / Vosotros | absorbéis | you (plural) absorb |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | absorben | they absorb, you (plural formal) absorb |
- Yo absorbo toda la información durante la clase.
- Tú absorbes rápidamente las nuevas ideas.
- Ellas absorben el conocimiento como si fueran esponjas.
Absorber in the Indicative Preterite
The Indicative Preterite tense is used to describe actions that have been completed at a specific moment in the past. In the case of the verb “absorber,” it refers to having absorbed something in the past. For example, “absorbí” translates to “I absorbed.”
In Spanish, this tense is called “El Pretérito Indefinido.”
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | absorbí | I absorbed |
Tú | absorbiste | you absorbed |
Ella / Él / Usted | absorbió | s/he absorbed, you (formal) absorbed |
Nosotras / Nosotros | absorbimos | we absorbed |
Vosotras / Vosotros | absorbisteis | you (plural) absorbed |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | absorbieron | they absorbed, you (plural formal) absorbed |
- “Ayer, durante la clase, absorbí toda la información del libro.”
- “¿Tú absorbiste todas las ideas que el profesor explicó en su conferencia?”
- “Ellos absorbieron rápidamente las enseñanzas del programa de formación.”
Absorber: Past Habitual Actions using the Imperfect Indicative
The Imperfect Indicative for ‘absorber’ is used to talk about past actions that were habitual or ongoing without specifying a clear beginning or ending. It’s often associated with descriptions or activities you used to do regularly. For instance, “absorbía” translates to “I used to absorb.”
In Spanish, this tense is referred to as “El Pretérito Imperfecto”.
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | absorbía | I used to absorb |
Tú | absorbías | you used to absorb |
Ella / Él / Usted | absorbía | s/he used to absorb, you (formal) used to absorb |
Nosotras / Nosotros | absorbíamos | we used to absorb |
Vosotras / Vosotros | absorbíais | you (plural) used to absorb |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | absorbían | they used to absorb, you (plural formal) used to absorb |
- Cuando era niño, siempre absorbía toda la información que leía.
- Durante el verano, las plantas absorbían más agua.
- Cada tarde nos sentábamos y absorbíamos el calor del sol juntos.
Absorber in the Present Progressive Tense
The Present Progressive tense of “absorber” is used in Spanish to describe actions that are currently in process or occurring at the moment of speaking. For example, “estoy absorbiendo” means “I am absorbing.”
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | estoy absorbiendo | I am absorbing |
Tú | estás absorbiendo | you are absorbing |
Ella / Él / Usted | está absorbiendo | s/he is absorbing, you (formal) are absorbing |
Nosotras / Nosotros | estamos absorbiendo | we are absorbing |
Vosotras / Vosotros | estáis absorbiendo | you (plural) are absorbing |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | están absorbiendo | they are absorbing, you (plural formal) are absorbing |
Estoy absorbiendo toda esta nueva información mientras estudio.
(I am absorbing all this new information while I study.)
¿Por qué él está absorbiendo todo el tiempo libre que tenemos?
(Why is he absorbing all the free time we have?)
Vosotros estáis absorbiendo mucha luz solar en la playa.
(You are absorbing a lot of sunlight at the beach.)
Absorber in the Informal Future Tense
Utilize the Informal Future tense in Spanish to express actions or plans you intend to do soon. This is akin to saying “I am going to absorb” in English. In Spanish, this structure is called “El Futuro Próximo”.
Subject Pronoun | Spanish | English Description |
Yo | voy a absorber | I am going to absorb |
Tú | vas a absorber | you are going to absorb |
Ella / Él / Usted | va a absorber | she/he is going to absorb, you (formal) are going to absorb |
Nosotras / Nosotros | vamos a absorber | we are going to absorb |
Vosotras / Vosotros | vais a absorber | you all (informal) are going to absorb |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | van a absorber | they are going to absorb, you all (formal) are going to absorb |
- Mañana, voy a absorber la información en la clase.
- Después de la reunión, ellas van a absorber las noticias.
- Tú vas a absorber el conocimiento necesario para el examen.
Absorber in the Future Tense
The future tense of “absorber” in the indicative mood is used to discuss actions that are expected to occur at a later time. For instance, “absorberé” translates to “I will absorb.”
In Spanish, this tense is referred to as “El Futuro Simple.”
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | absorberé | I will absorb |
Tú | absorberás | you will absorb |
Ella / Él / Usted | absorberá | s/he will absorb, you (formal) will absorb |
Nosotras / Nosotros | absorberemos | we will absorb |
Vosotras / Vosotros | absorberéis | you (plural) will absorb |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | absorberán | they will absorb, you (plural formal) will absorb |
- Mañana, absorberé toda la información que me proporcionen en el taller.
- Ellos absorberán las nuevas ideas y las aplicarán en sus proyectos.
- En el futuro, nuestra empresa absorberá a muchas pequeñas compañías.
Absorber in the Hypothetical Future
The Indicative Conditional for the verb “absorber” is used when discussing hypothetical situations or actions that could potentially occur. It’s often employed to express what one “would” do under certain conditions. For instance, “absorbería”, translates to “I would absorb”.
In Spanish, this tense is referred to as “El Condicional Simple”.
Subject Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | absorbería | I would absorb |
Tú | absorberías | you would absorb |
Ella / Él / Usted | absorbería | s/he would absorb, you (formal) would absorb |
Nosotras / Nosotros | absorberíamos | we would absorb |
Vosotras / Vosotros | absorberíais | you (plural) would absorb |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | absorberían | they would absorb, you (plural formal) would absorb |
Here are some examples in context:
- Yo absorbería toda la información posible en esa conferencia.
- Si tuvieras tiempo, absorberías más conocimientos al leer.
- Ellos absorberían las críticas de manera constructiva.
Indicative Present Perfect of “Absorber”
The Present Perfect Indicative tense of “absorber” is used to talk about past actions that have a connection to the present. This tense emphasizes the result or effect of the action. For example, “he absorbido” translates to “I have absorbed”.
In Spanish, the Present Perfect Indicative is often referred to as “El Pretérito Perfecto”.
Subject Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | he absorbido | I have absorbed |
Tú | has absorbido | you have absorbed |
Ella / Él / Usted | ha absorbido | she/he has absorbed, you (formal) have absorbed |
Nosotras / Nosotros | hemos absorbido | we have absorbed |
Vosotras / Vosotros | habéis absorbido | you all (informal plural) have absorbed |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | han absorbido | they have absorbed, you all (formal plural) have absorbed |
- Yo he absorbido mucha información durante la clase.
- ¿Has absorbido todo lo que necesitas saber para el examen?
- Ellos han absorbido todos los detalles de la propuesta.
Absorber in the Indicative Pluperfect Tense
The Indicative Pluperfect in Spanish is used to express actions completed before a certain point in the past. This tense is useful for describing a sequence of past events. For example, “había absorbido” translates to “I had absorbed” in English.
In Spanish, this tense is referred to as “El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto”.
Subject Pronoun | Spanish | English Translation |
Yo | había absorbido | I had absorbed |
Tú | habías absorbido | you had absorbed |
Ella / Él / Usted | había absorbido | she/he had absorbed, you (formal) had absorbed |
Nosotras / Nosotros | habíamos absorbido | we had absorbed |
Vosotras / Vosotros | habíais absorbido | you (plural) had absorbed |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | habían absorbido | they had absorbed, you (plural formal) had absorbed |
Examples in Context:
- Yo había absorbido toda la información antes del examen.
- Tú habías absorbido la lluvia con el paraguas antes de entrar.
- Ellos habían absorbido las noticias antes de tomar una decisión.
Absorber in the Future Perfect Tense
The Future Perfect tense in Spanish is used to describe actions that will have been completed at some point in the future. The tense gives a sense of an action that is already concluded within the future time frame. For instance, “habré absorbido” translates to “I will have absorbed.”
Below is the conjugation of “absorber” in the future perfect tense.
Subject Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | habré absorbido | I will have absorbed |
Tú | habrás absorbido | you will have absorbed |
Ella / Él / Usted | habrá absorbido | she/he will have absorbed, you (formal) will have absorbed |
Nosotras / Nosotros | habremos absorbido | we will have absorbed |
Vosotras / Vosotros | habréis absorbido | you (plural) will have absorbed |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | habrán absorbido | they will have absorbed, you (plural formal) will have absorbed |
Example sentences:
- Para cuando llegues, ya habré absorbido toda la información del libro.
- Ellos habrán absorbido las enseñanzas para fin de año.
- Para el próximo mes, nosotros habremos absorbido la mayoría de los costos.
Absorber in the Indicative Conditional Perfect
The Conditional Perfect tense in Spanish is used to describe actions that would have occurred in the past under different circumstances. This conveys a hypothetical situation. The verb “absorber” in this form helps construct these scenarios. Here are some examples using this conjugation:
- Si hubiera tenido más tiempo, habría absorbido más conocimientos en el curso.
- Habrías absorbido el contenido si no hubieras estado distraído.
- Si ellos no se hubieran ido de viaje, habrían absorbido todo lo explicado en la reunión.
In Spanish, this tense is referred to as “El Condicional Perfecto”.
Subject Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | habría absorbido | I would have absorbed |
Tú | habrías absorbido | you would have absorbed |
Ella / Él / Usted | habría absorbido | s/he would have absorbed, you (formal) would have absorbed |
Nosotras / Nosotros | habríamos absorbido | we would have absorbed |
Vosotras / Vosotros | habríais absorbido | you (plural) would have absorbed |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | habrían absorbido | they would have absorbed, you (plural formal) would have absorbed |
Subjunctive Forms of Absorber
Present Subjunctive of “Absorber”
The Present Subjunctive is used to express doubts, emotions, wishes, or hypothetical situations. It is important because it conveys the speaker’s attitude towards the action rather than its reality. For instance, “absorba” translates to “I successfully absorb.”
In Spanish, the Present Subjunctive is referred to as “El Presente de Subjuntivo.”
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | absorba | I absorb |
Tú | absorbas | you absorb |
Ella / Él / Usted | absorba | s/he absorbs, you (formal) absorb |
Nosotras / Nosotros | absorbamos | we absorb |
Vosotras / Vosotros | absorbáis | you (plural) absorb |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | absorban | they absorb, you (plural formal) absorb |
- Es posible que yo absorba todo el conocimiento del curso.
- Esperamos que tú absorbas rápidamente la nueva información.
- No creen que él absorba correctamente las instrucciones.
Absorber Conjugation in the Imperfect Subjunctive
The Imperfect Subjunctive in Spanish is utilized to express hypothetical or speculative actions in the past, as well as sentiments about past occurrences. An example of its use is “absorbiera,” which translates to “I absorbed.”
In Spanish, this tense is referred to as “El Imperfecto Subjuntivo.”
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | absorbiera | I absorbed |
Tú | absorbieras | you absorbed |
Ella / Él / Usted | absorbiera | s/he absorbed, you (formal) absorbed |
Nosotras / Nosotros | absorbiéramos | we absorbed |
Vosotras / Vosotros | absorbierais | you (plural) absorbed |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | absorbieran | they absorbed, you (plural formal) absorbed |
- Era importante que yo absorbiera toda la información en la clase.
- Si tú absorbieras el concepto, el examen sería más fácil.
- Ella esperaba que nosotros absorbiéramos la cultura durante el viaje.
Absorber in the Hypothetical Future Tense
The Future Subjunctive is typically used for discussing situations that might occur but are not certain. It carries a sense of conjecture or possibility about actions or events that could take place. For example, “absorbiere”, which can be translated as “I might absorb” in the future.
In Spanish, this tense is expressed as “El Futuro de Subjuntivo”.
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | absorbiere | I might absorb |
Tú | absorbieres | you might absorb |
Ella / Él / Usted | absorbiere | s/he might absorb, you (formal) might absorb |
Nosotras / Nosotros | absorbiéremos | we might absorb |
Vosotras / Vosotros | absorbiereis | you (plural) might absorb |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | absorbieren | they might absorb, you (plural formal) might absorb |
- Si él absorbiere la información más rápido, entendería mejor la lección.
- Si tú absorbieres más luz solar, te sentirías con más energía.
- Si absorbiéramos el conocimiento de estas lecturas, podríamos aprobar el examen fácilmente.
Usage of Absorber in the Subjunctive Present Perfect
This tense connects actions or events that happened in the past to the present, or to talk about actions that will have occurred by a specified future time. Think of “haya absorbido” which means “I have absorbed.”
In Spanish, this tense is named “El Pretérito Perfecto de Subjuntivo.”
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | haya absorbido | I have absorbed |
Tú | hayas absorbido | you have absorbed |
Ella / Él / Usted | haya absorbido | s/he has absorbed, you (formal) have absorbed |
Nosotras / Nosotros | hayamos absorbido | we have absorbed |
Vosotras / Vosotros | hayáis absorbido | you (plural) have absorbed |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | hayan absorbido | they have absorbed, you (plural formal) have absorbed |
- No creo que él haya absorbido toda la información en tan poco tiempo.
- Es posible que nos hayamos absorbido demasiado en nuestros propios pensamientos.
- Dudamos que ellos hayan absorbido las ideas principales del proyecto.
Absorber in the Subjunctive Pluperfect
The Subjunctive Pluperfect is utilized to express hypothetical circumstances or actions/events that took place prior to other past events. For instance, “hubiera absorbido” translates to “I had absorbed” in English.
In Spanish, this tense is referred to as “El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo.”
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | hubiera absorbido | I had absorbed |
Tú | hubieras absorbido | you had absorbed |
Ella / Él / Usted | hubiera absorbido | s/he had absorbed, you (formal) had absorbed |
Nosotras / Nosotros | hubiéramos absorbido | we had absorbed |
Vosotras / Vosotros | hubierais absorbido | you (plural) had absorbed |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | hubieran absorbido | they had absorbed, you (plural formal) had absorbed |
- Si hubiera absorbido toda la lección, no tendría problemas ahora.
- Hubieras absorbido más información si el curso hubiera sido más largo.
- Nos hubiéramos absorbido en la conversación si no nos hubieran interrumpido.
Absorber in the Subjunctive Future Perfect
The Subjunctive Future Perfect tense allows us to describe actions that are expected to have taken place under certain future conditions. For example, the phrase “hubiere absorbido” translates to “I will have absorbed.”
In Spanish, this tense is referred to as “El Futuro Perfecto de Subjuntivo.”
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | hubiere absorbido | I will have absorbed |
Tú | hubieres absorbido | you will have absorbed |
Ella / Él / Usted | hubiere absorbido | s/he will have absorbed, you (formal) will have absorbed |
Nosotras / Nosotros | hubiéremos absorbido | we will have absorbed |
Vosotras / Vosotros | hubiereis absorbido | you (plural) will have absorbed |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | hubieren absorbido | they will have absorbed, you (plural formal) will have absorbed |
Example Sentences
- Si hubieres absorbido toda esa información, serías un experto.
- Es probable que nosotros hubiéremos absorbido todo el contenido antes del examen.
- Hubieren absorbido el conocimiento necesario para resolver el problema.
Imperative Tenses of Absorber
Absorber in the Positive Imperative
The Positive Imperative in Spanish is used when giving direct commands or requests. It instructs someone to undertake an action. For example, “absorba,” means “absorb!” when addressing someone formally.
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | - | - |
Tú | absorbe | (to you) absorb! |
Ella / Él / Usted | absorba | (to you formal) absorb! |
Nosotras / Nosotros | absorbamos | let’s absorb! |
Vosotras / Vosotros | absorbed | (to you plural) absorb! |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | absorban | (to you plural formal) absorb! |
- Tú absorbe toda esta información para el examen.
- Ella/Él/Usted absorba bien los detalles de la reunión.
- Vosotros absorbed cada palabra del discurso del profesor.
Absorber in the Negative Command Form
The Negative Command Form in Spanish is used to instruct someone not to perform an action. For instance, “no absorba” translates to “don’t absorb” in English when addressing someone formally.
In Spanish, the Negative Command Form is referred to as “El Imperativo Negativo”.
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | - | - |
Tú | no absorbas | (to you) don’t absorb! |
Ella / Él / Usted | no absorba | (to you formal) don’t absorb! |
Nosotras / Nosotros | no absorbamos | let’s not absorb! |
Vosotras / Vosotros | no absorbáis | (to you plural) don’t absorb! |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | no absorban | (to you plural formal) don’t absorb! |
- No absorbas demasiada información al mismo tiempo.
- No absorba la humedad con esa tela.
- No absorbamos todas las críticas de manera negativa.