· Robert William · Spanish Verbs · 13 min read
Acusar Conjugation in Spanish
The verb "acusar" translates to "to accuse" in English and follows the regular conjugation patterns of AR verbs in Spanish. See below for its conjugation across the 18 major tenses in Spanish. Similar verbs include "culpar."

The verb “acusar” translates to “to accuse” in English and follows the regular conjugation patterns of AR verbs in Spanish. See below for its conjugation across the 18 major tenses in Spanish. Similar verbs include “culpar.”
Information | Spanish | English |
Infinitive | acusar | to accuse |
Past participle | acusado | accused |
Gerund | acusando | accusing |
Indicative Tenses of Acusar
Present Tense
The present tense is used to express actions that are currently happening or habitual events.
Subject Pronoun | Conjugation |
yo | acuso |
tú | acusas |
él/ella/Ud. | acusa |
nosotros | acusamos |
vosotros | acusáis |
ellos/ellas/Uds. | acusan |
- Yo acuso a Juan de romper la ventana.
- Nosotros acusamos a la compañía de fraude.
- Ellos acusan al gobierno de no actuar.
Preterite Tense
The preterite tense is used for actions that have been completed in the past.
Subject Pronoun | Conjugation |
yo | acusé |
tú | acusaste |
él/ella/Ud. | acusó |
nosotros | acusamos |
vosotros | acusasteis |
ellos/ellas/Uds. | acusaron |
- Ayer acusé a mi hermano de haber comido el pastel.
- Ellos acusaron a su vecino de ser ruidoso.
- María acusó al ladrón ante la policía.
Imperfect Tense
The imperfect tense is used for actions that were ongoing or habitual in the past.
Subject Pronoun | Conjugation |
yo | acusaba |
tú | acusabas |
él/ella/Ud. | acusaba |
nosotros | acusábamos |
vosotros | acusabais |
ellos/ellas/Uds. | acusaban |
- Cuando éramos niños, nosotros acusábamos a menudo a nuestro primo de mentir.
- Siempre me acusabas injustamente.
- Ellos acusaban sin pruebas.
Future Tense
The future tense is used to describe actions that will happen.
Subject Pronoun | Conjugation |
yo | acusaré |
tú | acusarás |
él/ella/Ud. | acusará |
nosotros | acusaremos |
vosotros | acusaréis |
ellos/ellas/Uds. | acusarán |
- Mañana acusaré a Carlos de haber sido deshonesto.
- Ellos acusarán a la empresa si no se llega a un acuerdo.
- Nosotros acusaremos al sospechoso durante el juicio.
Conditional Tense
The conditional tense is used to talk about what would happen under certain conditions.
Subject Pronoun | Conjugation |
yo | acusaría |
tú | acusarías |
él/ella/Ud. | acusaría |
nosotros | acusaríamos |
vosotros | acusaríais |
ellos/ellas/Uds. | acusarían |
- Yo no acusaría sin pruebas concretas.
- Acusarían al jefe de departamento si los rumores fueran ciertos.
- Ella acusaría a quien sea necesario para proteger a su familia.
Indicative Present Tense of ‘Acusar’
The Indicative Present tense in Spanish is utilized to describe actions or events that are currently occurring or will happen shortly. It is also applicable for stating facts or universal truths. For instance, “acuso” means “I accuse”.
This tense in Spanish is referred to as “El Presente”.
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | acuso | I accuse |
Tú | acusas | you accuse |
Ella / Él / Usted | acusa | s/he accuses, you (formal) accuse |
Nosotras / Nosotros | acusamos | we accuse |
Vosotras / Vosotros | acusáis | you (plural) accuse |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | acusan | they accuse, you (plural formal) accuse |
Here are some example sentences that are formed using the Indicative Present tense of “acusar”:
- Yo acuso a mi hermano de robar mi chocolate.
- Los amigos acusan a Carlos de mentir.
- La policía acusa a la mujer de un crimen.
Introduction to the Past Tense: Indicative Preterite for “Acusar”
The Preterite Indicative tense in Spanish is employed to describe actions that have been fully completed at a particular moment in the past. Let’s explore how “acusar” (to accuse) is conjugated in this tense with some examples.
- Ayer, yo acusé a mi hermano de romper el florero.
- Tú acusaste a la persona equivocada en la reunión del lunes pasado.
- La policía acusó al sospechoso después de la investigación.
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | acusé | I accused |
Tú | acusaste | you accused |
Ella / Él / Usted | acusó | s/he accused, you (formal) accused |
Nosotras / Nosotros | acusamos | we accused |
Vosotras / Vosotros | acusasteis | you (plural) accused |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | acusaron | they accused, you (plural formal) accused |
Acusar in the Indicative Imperfect Tense
The Imperfect Indicative tense for the verb “acusar” is employed to express ongoing or habitual actions in the past. It can also be used for setting the stage in terms of past descriptions or general actions that were once common. Consider the phrase “acusaba,” which translates to “I used to accuse.”
Below is the conjugation table for “acusar” in this tense:
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | acusaba | I used to accuse |
Tú | acusabas | you used to accuse |
Ella / Él / Usted | acusaba | s/he used to accuse, you (formal) used to accuse |
Nosotras / Nosotros | acusábamos | we used to accuse |
Vosotras / Vosotros | acusabais | you (plural) used to accuse |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | acusaban | they used to accuse, you (plural formal) used to accuse |
Here are a few examples of how this form is used in Spanish sentences:
- Antes, él siempre me acusaba de llegar tarde a las reuniones.
- Nosotros acusábamos al vecino de hacer demasiadas fiestas en su casa.
- Ellas acusaban a su jefe de no pagarles correctamente.
Acusar in the Indicative Present Continuous
The Indicative Present Continuous of “acusar” is utilized to describe actions that are currently in progress or ongoing. This tense captures the essence of actions happening at the moment of speaking. For example, “estoy acusando” translates to “I am accusing.”
In Spanish, this is referred to as “El Presente Progresivo.”
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | estoy acusando | I am accusing |
Tú | estás acusando | you are accusing |
Ella / Él / Usted | está acusando | s/he is accusing, you (formal) are accusing |
Nosotras / Nosotros | estamos acusando | we are accusing |
Vosotras / Vosotros | estáis acusando | you (plural) are accusing |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | están acusando | they are accusing, you (plural formal) are accusing |
Examples in use:
- Estoy acusando a Juan de haber roto la ventana.
- Ellos están acusando al político de corrupción.
- Estamos acusando a la empresa de prácticas desleales.
Future Informal Tense Usage for “Acusar”
This tense, known as the Informal Future in English or “El Futuro Próximo” in Spanish, is applied to express events or actions that are intended to happen soon. An example of this would be, “voy a acusar,” which translates to “I am going to accuse.”
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | voy a acusar | I am going to accuse |
Tú | vas a acusar | you are going to accuse |
Ella / Él / Usted | va a acusar | s/he is going to accuse, you (formal) are going to accuse |
Nosotras / Nosotros | vamos a acusar | we are going to accuse |
Vosotras / Vosotros | vais a acusar | you (plural) are going to accuse |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | van a acusar | they are going to accuse, you (plural formal) are going to accuse |
- “Mañana voy a acusar al testigo en el juicio.”
- “¿Vas a acusar a tu compañero de trabajo de esa falta?”
- “Ellos van a acusar al sospechoso si encuentran más pruebas.”
Acusar in the Future Indicative Tense
The Future Tense in Spanish, known as “El Futuro Simple,” is used when discussing actions or events that are expected to occur at a later time. Take, for instance, “acusaré,” which translates to “I will accuse” in English.
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | acusaré | I will accuse |
Tú | acusarás | you will accuse |
Ella / Él / Usted | acusará | s/he will accuse, you (formal) will accuse |
Nosotras / Nosotros | acusaremos | we will accuse |
Vosotras / Vosotros | acusaréis | you (plural) will accuse |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | acusarán | they will accuse, you (plural formal) will accuse |
Here are three examples using the Future Indicative tense:
- “Mañana, yo acusaré al verdadero culpable del robo.”
- “Tú acusarás a la persona equivocada si no tienes cuidado.”
- “Ellos acusarán con pruebas contundentes la próxima semana.”
Discussing the Conditional Indicative of Acusar
The Conditional Indicative form of the verb “acusar” is utilized when expressing events that are possible but not certain, or when talking about hypothetical situations and probabilities in the future. In English, it’s akin to saying “I would accuse.”
In Spanish, this tense is referred to as “El Condicional Simple.”
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | acusaría | I would accuse |
Tú | acusarías | you would accuse |
Ella / Él / Usted | acusaría | s/he would accuse, you (formal) would accuse |
Nosotras / Nosotros | acusaríamos | we would accuse |
Vosotras / Vosotros | acusaríais | you (plural) would accuse |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | acusarían | they would accuse, you (plural formal) would accuse |
Here are examples demonstrating the use of the conditional form of “acusar”:
- Si tuviera pruebas, acusaría al culpable.
- Nosotras acusaríamos al ladrón si lo viéramos.
- Ellos nunca acusarían sin tener certeza.
Indicative Present Perfect Tense of Acusar
The Indicative Present Perfect tense in Spanish expresses actions that were initiated in the past and continue into the present or actions that were recently completed. This tense, known as “El Pretérito Perfecto” in Spanish, is particularly useful for narratives and reports. Let’s look at how “acusar” is conjugated in this tense with examples such as “he acusado,” which translates to “I have accused.”
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | he acusado | I have accused |
Tú | has acusado | you have accused |
Ella / Él / Usted | ha acusado | s/he has accused, you (formal) have accused |
Nosotras / Nosotros | hemos acusado | we have accused |
Vosotras / Vosotros | habéis acusado | you (plural) have accused |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | han acusado | they have accused, you (plural formal) have accused |
Examples in Spanish:
- Yo he acusado a mi vecino de hacer ruido excesivo.
- ¿Tú has acusado a alguien sin pruebas antes?
- Ellas han acusado a la empresa de no cumplir con los contratos.
Acusar in the Indicative Past Perfect
The Indicative Past Perfect of “acusar” is employed to describe actions that occurred prior to another action in the past. For instance, “había acusado” translates to “I had accused.”
In Spanish, this tense is referred to as “El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto.”
Subject Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | había acusado | I had accused |
Tú | habías acusado | you had accused |
Ella / Él / Usted | había acusado | she/he had accused, you (formal) had accused |
Nosotras / Nosotros | habíamos acusado | we had accused |
Vosotras / Vosotros | habíais acusado | you (plural) had accused |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | habían acusado | they had accused, you (plural formal) had accused |
- Antes del juicio, yo ya había acusado al culpable.
- Tú habías acusado a la persona equivocada antes de revisar las pruebas.
- Ellos habían acusado a sus vecinos sin tener las pruebas suficientes.
Acusar in the Indicative Future Perfect Tense
The Indicative Future Perfect for the verb “acusar” is employed to discuss actions that will be completed in the future, often before another action occurs. For instance, “habré acusado” translates to “I will have accused”. In Spanish, this tense is referred to as “El Futuro Perfecto”.
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | habré acusado | I will have accused |
Tú | habrás acusado | you will have accused |
Ella / Él / Usted | habrá acusado | s/he will have accused, you (formal) will have accused |
Nosotras / Nosotros | habremos acusado | we will have accused |
Vosotras / Vosotros | habréis acusado | you (plural) will have accused |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | habrán acusado | they will have accused, you (plural formal) will have accused |
- Para cuando lleguen, ya habré acusado al sospechoso.
- Tú habrás acusado a la persona equivocada si no tienes cuidado.
- Ellos habrán acusado al ladrón antes de la medianoche.
Conditional Perfect Tense for “Acusar” - Imagining Past Actions
In Spanish, the Conditional Perfect tense is used to envision actions that could have occurred if certain conditions had been met. It’s perfect for discussing hypothetical past scenarios that remain unrealized. This tense, known as “El Condicional Perfecto” in Spanish, allows you to express notions such as “I would have accused,” which translates to “habría acusado.”
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | habría acusado | I would have accused |
Tú | habrías acusado | you would have accused |
Ella / Él / Usted | habría acusado | s/he would have accused, you (formal) would have accused |
Nosotras / Nosotros | habríamos acusado | we would have accused |
Vosotras / Vosotros | habríais acusado | you (plural) would have accused |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | habrían acusado | they would have accused, you (plural formal) would have accused |
Example Sentences in Spanish:
- Si él me hubiera dicho la verdad, habría acusado al verdadero culpable.
- Habríamos acusado al sospechoso si hubiéramos tenido pruebas suficientes.
- Ellos habrían acusado a la persona equivocada si no hubieran investigado bien.
Subjunctive Tenses for “Acusar"
"Acusar” in the Present Subjunctive
The Present Subjunctive is employed when discussing situations filled with uncertainty or feelings such as desires, hopes, and wishes. It sets itself apart from the indicative mood by portraying events as less certain to occur. For instance, “acuse” can be interpreted as “I accuse” under uncertain circumstances.
In Spanish, the Present Subjunctive is called “El Presente de Subjuntivo.”
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | acuse | I accuse |
Tú | acuses | you accuse |
Ella / Él / Usted | acuse | s/he accuses, you (formal) accuse |
Nosotras / Nosotros | acusemos | we accuse |
Vosotras / Vosotros | acuséis | you (plural) accuse |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | acusen | they accuse, you (plural formal) accuse |
- Espero que tú no me acuses sin pruebas.
- Es importante que él no nos acuse injustamente.
- Deseo que nosotros no acusemos a nadie erróneamente.
Acusar in the Imperfect Subjunctive
The Imperfect Subjunctive tense is often used to express hypotheticals, wishes, or doubts about actions that took place in the past. It can also convey emotional reactions to past events. For instance, “acusara” can be translated as “I might have accused.” In Spanish, the Imperfect Subjunctive is called “El Imperfecto de Subjuntivo.”
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | acusara | I might have accused |
Tú | acusaras | you might have accused |
Ella / Él / Usted | acusara | s/he might have accused, you (formal) might have accused |
Nosotras / Nosotros | acusáramos | we might have accused |
Vosotras / Vosotros | acusarais | you (plural) might have accused |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | acusaran | they might have accused, you (plural formal) might have accused |
Examples in Spanish:
- Si yo fuera culpable, no acusara a nadie más.
- Dudaba que tú acusaras al testigo.
- Era importante que ellos no acusaran sin pruebas.
Introducing “Acusar” in the Future Subjunctive
The Future Subjunctive is employed to discuss actions or situations that are anticipated under certain conditions, or hypothetical events expected to occur in the future. For instance, “acusare” translates to “I will accuse.”
Across the Spanish-speaking world, this tense is identified as “El Futuro de Subjuntivo.”
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | acusare | I will accuse |
Tú | acusares | you will accuse |
Ella / Él / Usted | acusare | s/he will accuse, you (formal) will accuse |
Nosotras / Nosotros | acusáremos | we will accuse |
Vosotras / Vosotros | acusareis | you (plural) will accuse |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | acusaren | they will accuse, you (plural formal) will accuse |
Example Sentences
- Si tú acusares al sospechoso, necesitarás pruebas contundentes.
- Cuando nosotros acusáremos, lo haremos con certeza y evidencia.
- Espero que si ellos acusaren, lo hagan con honestidad.
Acusar in the Present Perfect Subjunctive Form
The Present Perfect Subjunctive in Spanish is used to describe actions or situations that have occurred at some point before the present and are relevant or have an impact on it. It’s often used in dependent clauses to express doubt, desire, emotion, or uncertainty about actions that are complete. Here’s how you can use “acusar” in the Present Perfect Subjunctive:
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | haya acusado | I have accused |
Tú | hayas acusado | you have accused |
Ella / Él / Usted | haya acusado | s/he has accused, you (formal) have accused |
Nosotras / Nosotros | hayamos acusado | we have accused |
Vosotras / Vosotros | hayáis acusado | you (plural) have accused |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | hayan acusado | they have accused, you (plural formal) have accused |
Examples in Spanish:
- Dudo que él haya acusado a la persona correcta.
- Esperamos que tú hayas acusado al delincuente.
- Es posible que nosotras hayamos acusado sin pruebas suficientes.
Acusar Conjugation in the Past Perfect Subjunctive
The Past Perfect Subjunctive, or “El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo” in Spanish, is utilized for discussing hypothetical scenarios and actions that were completed before another past action. It is often seen in complex sentences or conditional contexts. Here is how the verb “acusar,” meaning “to accuse,” is conjugated in this tense.
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | hubiera acusado | I had accused |
Tú | hubieras acusado | you had accused |
Ella / Él / Usted | hubiera acusado | s/he had accused, you (formal) had accused |
Nosotras / Nosotros | hubiéramos acusado | we had accused |
Vosotras / Vosotros | hubierais acusado | you (plural) had accused |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | hubieran acusado | they had accused, you (plural formal) had accused |
Examples in Spanish:
- Si yo hubiera acusado a Juan, no estaríamos en esta situación.
- Dudo que ellas hubieran acusado sin pruebas concretas.
- Nos dijeron que vosotros hubierais acusado al verdadero culpable.
Acusar in the Future Perfect Subjunctive
The Future Perfect Subjunctive is employed to describe actions that will have taken place if a hypothetical condition arises in the future. For example, “hubiere acusado” translates to “I will have accused.”
In Spanish, this tense is referred to as “El Futuro Perfecto de Subjuntivo.”
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | hubiere acusado | I will have accused |
Tú | hubieres acusado | you will have accused |
Ella / Él / Usted | hubiere acusado | s/he will have accused, you (formal) will have accused |
Nosotras / Nosotros | hubiéremos acusado | we will have accused |
Vosotras / Vosotros | hubiereis acusado | you (plural) will have accused |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | hubieren acusado | they will have accused, you (plural formal) will have accused |
Examples in Spanish with the Future Perfect Subjunctive
- Si tú hubieres acusado a tiempo, la situación sería diferente.
- Para cuando ellos lleguen, nosotros ya hubiéremos acusado a los responsables.
- Es posible que ella hubiere acusado si le hubieran dado la oportunidad.
Affirmative Imperative of Acusar
The Affirmative Imperative is utilized to issue commands or requests, directing someone to perform an action. For instance, “acusa,” translates to “accuse!” in English, as an instruction.
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | - | - |
Tú | acusa | (you) accuse! |
Ella / Él / Usted | acuse | (you formal) accuse! |
Nosotras / Nosotros | acusemos | let’s accuse! |
Vosotras / Vosotros | acusad | (you plural) accuse! |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | acusen | (you plural formal) accuse! |
Examples in Spanish:
- Jaime, acusa al sospechoso si estás seguro de que fue él.
- Profesora, acuse al alumno que copió en el examen.
- Amigos, no acuséis sin pruebas claras.
The Negative Command Form of “Acusar”
The Negative Imperative Mood is a grammatical structure used when instructing someone not to perform a specific action. For example, “no acuse” translates to “don’t accuse!” in English, emphasizing the action to avoid.
In Spanish, this mood is called “El Imperativo Negativo”.
Pronoun | Spanish | English |
Yo | - | - |
Tú | no acuses | (to you) don’t accuse! |
Ella / Él / Usted | no acuse | (to you formal) don’t accuse! |
Nosotras / Nosotros | no acusemos | let’s not accuse! |
Vosotras / Vosotros | no acuséis | (to you plural) don’t accuse! |
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes | no acusen | (to you plural formal) don’t accuse! |
- ¡No acuses a nadie sin tener pruebas!
- Chicos, no acuséis a vuestros compañeros tan fácilmente.
- No acusemos al sospechoso sin investigar más a fondo.