'Ir' Future Tense

'Ir' Future Tense

¡Hola, today, we’re looking at ‘ir’ future tense conjugation - the Spanish verb that’s all about going places. Buckle up, because this journey through time and grammar is about to begin!

Conjugation of ‘Ir’ Future Tense

Pronoun Conjugation Think of it as…
yo iré “I’ll be outta here!”
tú irás “You’ll be on your way!”
él/ella/usted irá “He’ll/She’ll/You’ll be going places!”
nosotros/nosotras iremos “We’ll hit the road together!”
vosotros/vosotras iréis “You all will be on the move!”
ellos/ellas/ustedes irán “They’ll/You all will go forth!”

‘Ir’ in Action

Let’s see this verb take us places:

  1. “Mañana iré al supermercado.” (Tomorrow I will go to the supermarket.) Future you is already making a shopping list!
  2. “¿Irás a la fiesta el sábado?” (Will you go to the party on Saturday?) FOMO in the future tense!
  3. “El próximo verano iremos a la playa.” (Next summer we will go to the beach.) Can you feel the future sand between your toes?

Common Expressions

Impress your amigos with these common expressions:

  • “Iré contigo” (I’ll go with you) Future you is an excellent wingman!

  • “¿Iremos en coche o en tren?” (Will we go by car or by train?) For when you’re planning your future commute

  • “Irá todo bien” (Everything will go well) Optimism: now available in future tense!

‘Ir’ Idioms

Spice up your Spanish with these idiomatic uses:

  1. “Ya veremos cómo irá” (We’ll see how it goes) The perfect phrase for future planners and procrastinators alike

  2. “Irá sobre ruedas” (It will go smoothly) For when you’re feeling optimistic about future projects

  3. “¿Cómo te irá en el nuevo trabajo?” (How will you do in your new job?) Career crystal ball, anyone?

‘Ir’ + Infinitive

While we’re talking future, let’s not forget this near-future construction:

  1. “Voy a ir al cine mañana.” (I’m going to go to the cinema tomorrow.) For when the future is so close, you can almost taste the popcorn

  2. “Van a ir de vacaciones la próxma semana.” (They’re going to go on vacation next week.) Future envy, anyone?

‘Ir’ vs Other Verbs of Movement

Just for fun, let’s see how “ir” compares to its motion-loving cousins in the future:

  • Venir (to come): vendré, vendrás, vendrá…
  • Llegar (to arrive): llegaré, llegarás, llegará…

It’s like a future-tense race. On your marks, get set, go!

Wrapping Up

Congratulations, you’ve just mastered the art of going places in the Spanish future. With ‘ir’ future tense conjugation in your linguistic toolkit, you’re ready to talk about all your future adventures, from mundane grocery runs to exciting vacation plans.

Remember, mastering ‘ir’ in the future tense is like planning a trip - it takes some preparation, but the journey is worth it!

¡Hasta luego, futuros aventureros del español!