Abandonar Conjugation in Spanish


The Spanish verb “abandonar” means “to abandon, to leave”. It is a regular verb that follows the conjugation rules for verbs ending in “AR”. Below, we will see how it is conjugated in the 18 main verb tenses of Spanish.

Verbs similar to “abandonar” include dejar, marcharse, salir.

Element Spanish English
Infinitivo abandonar to abandon, to leave
Participio pasado abandonado abandoned
Gerundio abandonando abandoning

Indicative Tenses of Abandonar

Abandonar in the Indicative Present

The Indicative Present tense of “abandonar” is used to refer to actions or events that are currently happening or are going to happen in the near future. It also denotes general truths and established facts. For instance, “abandono” translates to “I abandon.”

In Spanish, this tense is called “El Presente.”

Pronoun Spanish English
Yo abandono I abandon
abandonas you abandon
Ella / Él / Usted abandona s/he abandons, you (formal) abandon
Nosotras / Nosotros abandonamos we abandon
Vosotras / Vosotros abandonáis you (plural) abandon
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes abandonan they abandon, you (plural formal) abandon

Example Sentences:

  1. Yo abandono mis malos hábitos.
  2. Tú abandonas la carrera a mitad de camino.
  3. Ellos abandonan el proyecto por falta de recursos.

Abandonar in the Simple Past

The Simple Past Tense (Preterite) of “abandonar” describes actions that were completed at a definite moment in the past. For instance, “abandoné” translates to “I abandoned.”

In Spanish, the Preterite is referred to as “El Pretérito Indefinido”.

Pronoun Spanish English
Yo abandoné I abandoned
abandonaste you abandoned
Ella / Él / Usted abandonó s/he abandoned, you (formal) abandoned
Nosotras / Nosotros abandonamos we abandoned
Vosotras / Vosotros abandonasteis you (plural) abandoned
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes abandonaron they abandoned, you (plural formal) abandoned

Example Sentences:

  1. Yo abandoné mi antiguo trabajo el año pasado.
  2. Tú abandonaste la carrera porque no te gustaba.
  3. Nosotros abandonamos el proyecto debido a la falta de fondos.

Abandonar in the Indicative Imperfect

The Indicative Imperfect tense of “abandonar” is used to describe continuous or habitual past actions, as well as situations or repeated occurrences. For example, “abandonaba” translates to “I used to abandon.”

In Spanish, the Indicative Imperfect is referred to as “El Pretérito Imperfecto.”

Pronoun Spanish English
Yo abandonaba I used to abandon
abandonabas you used to abandon
Ella / Él / Usted abandonaba s/he used to abandon, you (formal) used to abandon
Nosotras / Nosotros abandonábamos we used to abandon
Vosotras / Vosotros abandonabais you (plural) used to abandon
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes abandonaban they used to abandon, you (plural formal) used to abandon

Abandonar in the Present Progressive Tense

The Present Progressive Tense of “abandonar” describes an action that is currently ongoing. For instance, “estoy abandonando” translates to “I am abandoning.”

In Spanish, this form is known as “El Presente Progresivo.”

Pronoun Spanish English
Yo estoy abandonando I am abandoning
estás abandonando you are abandoning
Ella / Él / Usted está abandonando s/he is abandoning, you (formal) are abandoning
Nosotras / Nosotros estamos abandonando we are abandoning
Vosotras / Vosotros estáis abandonando you (plural) are abandoning
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes están abandonando they are abandoning, you (plural formal) are abandoning

Abandonar in the Informal Future Tense

The Informal Future tense of abandonar is utilized to discuss actions that will occur soon. For instance, “voy a abandonar,” which translates to “I am going to abandon.”

In Spanish, this tense is referred to as “El Futuro Próximo.”

Pronoun Spanish English
Yo voy a abandonar I am going to abandon
vas a abandonar you are going to abandon
Ella / Él / Usted va a abandonar s/he is going to abandon, you (formal) are going to abandon
Nosotras / Nosotros vamos a abandonar we are going to abandon
Vosotras / Vosotros vais a abandonar you (plural) are going to abandon
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes van a abandonar they are going to abandon, you (plural formal) are going to abandon


  • Yo voy a abandonar mi trabajo mañana.
  • Ellos van a abandonar la reunión temprano.
  • Nosotros vamos a abandonar el proyecto esta semana.

Abandonar in the Future Simple of the Indicative

The Future Simple Indicative of abandonar is used to talk about something that will happen in the future. For example, “abandonaré”, which means “I will abandon”.

In Spanish, the Future Simple of the Indicative is known as “El Futuro Simple”.

Pronoun Spanish English
Yo abandonaré I will abandon
abandonarás you will abandon
Ella / Él / Usted abandonará s/he will abandon, you (formal) will abandon
Nosotras / Nosotros abandonaremos we will abandon
Vosotras / Vosotros abandonaréis you (plural) will abandon
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes abandonarán they will abandon, you (plural formal) will abandon


  1. Yo abandonaré mis viejos hábitos para mejorar mi salud.
  2. Nosotros abandonaremos el proyecto si no recibimos más apoyo.
  3. Ellos abandonarán la idea porque no es viable a largo plazo.

Abandonar in the Conditional Indicative

The Conditional Indicative of abandon is used to talk about something that could happen in the future, hypotheses and probabilities. For example, “abandonaría”, which means “I would abandon”.

In Spanish, the Conditional Indicative is known as “El Condicional Simple”.

Pronoun Spanish English
Yo abandonaría I would abandon
abandonarías you would abandon
Ella / Él / Usted abandonaría s/he would abandon, you (formal) would abandon
Nosotras / Nosotros abandonaríamos we would abandon
Vosotras / Vosotros abandonaríais you (plural) would abandon
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes abandonarían they would abandon, you (plural formal) would abandon


  1. Si abandonara mi trabajo, podría viajar por el mundo.
  2. Ella dijo que tú abandonarías el proyecto si no recibías ayuda.
  3. Nosotros no abandonaríamos la misión si no fuera por su apoyo constante.

Abandonar in the Present Perfect Tense

The Present Perfect tense of “abandonar” is used to indicate actions that began recently and continue into the present, or activities performed in the recent past. For instance, “he abandonado” translates to “I have abandoned.”

In Spanish, this tense is known as “El Pretérito Perfecto”.

Pronoun Spanish English
Yo he abandonado I have abandoned
has abandonado you have abandoned
Ella / Él / Usted ha abandonado s/he has abandoned, you (formal) have abandoned
Nosotras / Nosotros hemos abandonado we have abandoned
Vosotras / Vosotros habéis abandonado you (plural) have abandoned
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes han abandonado they have abandoned, you (plural formal) have abandoned

Example Sentences:

  1. Yo he abandonado mi antiguo trabajo para buscar algo más significativo.
  2. Tú has abandonado la dieta que empezaste la semana pasada.
  3. Nosotros hemos abandonado la idea de viajar este año.

Abandonar in the Indicative Past Perfect

The Indicative Past Perfect, also called “El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto” in Spanish, describes actions that took place before another event in the past. For instance, “había abandonado” translates to “I had abandoned”.

Pronoun Spanish English
Yo había abandonado I had abandoned
habías abandonado you had abandoned
Ella / Él / Usted había abandonado she/he had abandoned, you (formal) had abandoned
Nosotras / Nosotros habíamos abandonado we had abandoned
Vosotras / Vosotros habíais abandonado you (plural) had abandoned
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes habían abandonado they had abandoned, you (plural formal) had abandoned

Examples in Context:

  1. Yo había abandonado mis estudios antes de recibir la oferta de trabajo.
  2. Ella había abandonado su casa antes de que llegara la tormenta.
  3. Nosotros habíamos abandonado el proyecto antes de que fuera aprobado.

The Future Perfect of Abandonar in the Indicative Mood

The Future Perfect of the verb abandonar is used to talk about something that will have happened in the future after something else has already happened. For example, “habré abandonado”, which means “I will have abandoned”.

In Spanish, the Future Perfect is known as “El Futuro Perfecto”.

Pronoun Spanish English
Yo habré abandonado I will have abandoned
habrás abandonado you will have abandoned
Ella / Él / Usted habrá abandonado he/she will have abandoned, you (formal) will have abandoned
Nosotras / Nosotros habremos abandonado we will have abandoned
Vosotras / Vosotros habréis abandonado you (plural) will have abandoned
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes habrán abandonado they will have abandoned, you (plural formal) will have abandoned


  • Para el próximo año, habré abandonado mis antiguos hábitos.
  • Tú habrás abandonado el proyecto antes de que lleguen las nuevas directrices.
  • Cuando llegue el día del lanzamiento, ellos habrán abandonado todas las pruebas inservibles.

Abandonar in the Indicative Conditional Perfect

The Conditional Perfect in the indicative mood is used to express an action that would have occurred in the past if certain conditions had been met. For instance, “habría abandonado” translates to “I would have abandoned.”

In Spanish, this tense is referred to as “El Condicional Perfecto”.

Pronoun Spanish English
Yo habría abandonado I would have abandoned
habrías abandonado you would have abandoned
Ella / Él / Usted habría abandonado s/he would have abandoned, you (formal) would have abandoned
Nosotras / Nosotros habríamos abandonado we would have abandoned
Vosotras / Vosotros habríais abandonado you (plural) would have abandoned
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes habrían abandonado they would have abandoned, you (plural formal) would have abandoned


  1. Si hubiera sabido que era tan difícil, habría abandonado el proyecto.
  2. Ella dijo que tú habrías abandonado la idea si conocieras todos los desafíos.
  3. Nosotros habríamos abandonado la misión si no fuera por su apoyo constante.

Abandonar in the Present Subjunctive

The Present Subjunctive is used to talk about situations of uncertainty or emotions such as desires, hopes and aspirations. It differs from the indicative mood because of the uncertainty of the events being mentioned. For example, “abandone”, which means “I abandon”.

In Spanish, the Presente de Subjuntivo is known as “El Presente de Subjuntivo”.

Pronoun Spanish English
Yo abandone I abandon
abandones you abandon
Ella / Él / Usted abandone s/he abandons, you (formal) abandon
Nosotras / Nosotros abandonemos we abandon
Vosotras / Vosotros abandonéis you (plural) abandon
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes abandonen they abandon, you (plural formal) abandon


  1. Es posible que ella abandone el proyecto si no recibe ayuda.
  2. Dudo que nosotros abandonemos esta causa tan fácilmente.
  3. Quiero que tú abandones esa mala actitud.

Abandonar in the Subjunctive Imperfect

This conjugation is used to refer to past events that are improbable or uncertain, or to express an emotional opinion about something that happened in the past. For example, “abandonara”, which means “I abandoned”.

In Spanish, the imperfect subjunctive form is known as “El Imperfecto Subjuntivo”.

Pronoun Spanish English
Yo abandonara I abandoned
abandonaras you abandoned
Ella / Él / Usted abandonara s/he abandoned, you (formal) abandoned
Nosotras / Nosotros abandonáramos we abandoned
Vosotras / Vosotros abandonarais you (plural) abandoned
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes abandonaran they abandoned, you (plural formal) abandoned


  1. Si yo abandonara mis estudios, no tendría tantas oportunidades.
  2. Te pedí que no abandonaras el proyecto tan pronto.
  3. Era importante que ella no abandonara a sus amigos en ese momento tan difícil.

Abandonar in the Subjunctive Future

The Subjunctive Future is used to talk about hypothetical situations and events that could happen in the future. For example, “abandonare”, which means “I will abandon”.

In Spanish, the Subjunctive Future is known as “El Futuro de Subjuntivo”.

Pronoun Spanish English
Yo abandonare I will abandon
abandonares you will abandon
Ella / Él / Usted abandonare s/he will abandon, you (formal) will abandon
Nosotras / Nosotros abandonáremos we will abandon
Vosotras / Vosotros abandonareis you (plural) will abandon
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes abandonaren they will abandon, you (plural formal) will abandon


  1. Si ella abandonare el proyecto, todos estaríamos en problemas.
  2. Si vosotros no abandonareis el lugar a tiempo, podrían surgir complicaciones.
  3. En caso de que ellos abandonaren la misión, tendríamos que buscar alternativas.

Abandonar in the Subjunctive Present Perfect

The Subjunctive Present Perfect tense is used to highlight past actions that still bear relevance to the present or to marvel at an action that will have been completed by a particular future time. For instance, “haya abandonado” translates to “I have abandoned.”

In Spanish grammar, this tense is referred to as “El Pretérito Perfecto de Subjuntivo.”

Pronoun Spanish English
Yo haya abandonado I have abandoned
hayas abandonado you have abandoned
Ella / Él / Usted haya abandonado s/he has abandoned, you (formal) have abandoned
Nosotras / Nosotros hayamos abandonado we have abandoned
Vosotras / Vosotros hayáis abandonado you (plural) have abandoned
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes hayan abandonado they have abandoned, you (plural formal) have abandoned


  1. No creo que yo haya abandonado mis estudios: I don’t believe I have abandoned my studies.
  2. Es posible que tú hayas abandonado el proyecto demasiado pronto: It is possible that you have abandoned the project too soon.
  3. Dudo que ellos hayan abandonado sus sueños de viajar por el mundo: I doubt that they have abandoned their dreams of traveling the world.

Abandonar in the Subjunctive Past Perfect

The Subjunctive Past Perfect is utilized to talk about hypothetical scenarios, and actions/events that took place before others in the past. For instance, “hubiera abandonado” translates to “I had abandoned.”

In Spanish, this tense is termed “El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo.”

Pronoun Spanish English
Yo hubiera abandonado I had abandoned
hubieras abandonado you had abandoned
Ella / Él / Usted hubiera abandonado s/he had abandoned, you (formal) had abandoned
Nosotras / Nosotros hubiéramos abandonado we had abandoned
Vosotras / Vosotros hubierais abandonado you (plural) had abandoned
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes hubieran abandonado they had abandoned, you (plural formal) had abandoned


  • Si yo hubiera abandonado el proyecto, ahora estaría arrepentido.
  • Hubieras abandonado la carrera antes de llegar hasta aquí.
  • Ellos hubieran abandonado el plan si hubieran sabido los riesgos.

Abandonar in the Subjunctive Future Perfect

The Subjunctive Future Perfect is used to discuss actions that will have occurred given a certain hypothetical future condition. For instance, “hubiere abandonado” means “I will have abandoned.”

In Spanish, it is referred to as “El Futuro Perfecto de Subjuntivo.”

Pronoun Spanish English
Yo hubiere abandonado I will have abandoned
hubieres abandonado you will have abandoned
Ella / Él / Usted hubiere abandonado s/he will have abandoned, you (formal) will have abandoned
Nosotras / Nosotros hubiéremos abandonado we will have abandoned
Vosotras / Vosotros hubiereis abandonado you (plural) will have abandoned
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes hubieren abandonado they will have abandoned, you (plural formal) will have abandoned

Examples in Sentences:

  1. Yo: Si para entonces ya hubiere abandonado el proyecto, avísame.
  2. Él: Si Juan no obtiene lo que quiere, hubiere abandonado el plan.
  3. Nosotros: Si no logramos el objetivo, hubiéremos abandonado el experimento para mañana.

Imperative Tenses of Abandonar

Abandonar in the Imperative Affirmative

The Imperative Affirmative is used to give orders and instructions, telling someone to do something. For example, “abandone”, which means “¡(usted) abandone!”.

In Spanish, the Imperative Affirmative is known as “El Imperativo Afirmativo”.

Pronoun Spanish English
Yo - -
abandona (tú) ¡abandona!
Ella / Él / Usted abandone (usted) ¡abandone!
Nosotras / Nosotros abandonemos ¡abandonemos!
Vosotras / Vosotros abandonad (vosotros) ¡abandonad!
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes abandonen (ustedes) ¡abandonen!
  1. ¡Abandona tus miedos y vive tu vida!
  2. Señor, por favor abandone el edificio inmediatamente.
  3. Vamos a abandonar este proyecto y a empezar de nuevo.

Abandonar in the Imperative Negative

The Imperative Negative is used to give orders and commands, telling someone not to do something. For example, “no abandone”, which means “¡(a usted formal) no abandone!”.

In Spanish, the Imperative Negative is known as “El Imperativo Negativo”.

Pronoun Spanish English
Yo - -
no abandones (a ti) ¡no abandones!
Ella / Él / Usted no abandone (a usted formal) ¡no abandone!
Nosotras / Nosotros no abandonemos ¡no abandonemos!
Vosotras / Vosotros no abandonéis (a vosotros/as) ¡no abandonéis!
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedes no abandonen (a ustedes formal) ¡no abandonen!


  1. No abandones tus sueños, sigue luchando por ellos.
  2. No abandonemos el proyecto hasta haberlo completado.
  3. No abandonen la misión, aún queda mucho por hacer.